携手相伴 成长与共
Your Hands in Mine; Together We Grow
We are the first batch of volunteers that have undergone the Music Academy for the Elderly training conducted by Concern & Care Society (CCS) in 2004. We are delighted to share that we have served the elderly in Bukit Batok area for the past six years.
We believe in serving the old and we do it as a way to contribute back to the society, not wanting any recognition in return. Our aim is to help the elderly to live out of their helpless and sometimes maybe painful circumstances. We felt that what we have done is not enough. We could have done better or provide more comprehensive and dynamic support. As such, we felt ashamed whenever others asked us how much we have done for the old.
Recount those whom we have served before. Some of them were drawn back from their hopeless isolation and sorrow. They become more hopeful and willing to lead a more positive life now. They no longer feel lonely, they could smile again, and the joy on their face warmed our hearts. This little, little accomplishments gave us a sense of satisfaction and encouragement to continue on for the last six years.
I, Tiaw Jee, remembered there was once I came back after a few weeks of vacation, one elderly saw me and told me with tears in her eyes, “I thought you didn’t want to visit me anymore.” I was so touched to know that I have made a difference in her life. In fact, we have built lasting relationships with the elderly whom we have served over the years.
To serve the senior citizens, we have to be sincere and genuine to extend our heartfelt concerns. We have to be sensitive to their feelings as a simple negative facial expression like a disgusted look because of the stench from their body may hurt their feelings. Kok Yuet fully agreed with this observation. In fact, we have to acknowledge such understanding and adjust our attitude then could we be able to serve the elderly with an open heart.
Life is transient, however, we believe that there are still many who are waiting for us to extend help and comfort. We hope we could befriend and encourage the needy elderly, so that they would be able to face the challenges ahead with courage, confidence and strength!
Senior Volunteers: Kok Yuet & Tan Tiaw Jee
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