文 / 王国福
其中的伸展动作,在配合适当的调息之后能帮助老人舒缓头脑和身体。他们也运用响棒和毛巾来带动各种动作。可别小看这些小工具, 好好使用的话能帮助身体关节转动,更能达到手脑并用的目的。
Morning Laughter; the Best Medicine
Text by: Bryan Ong
Rain or shine, since our Neighbourhood Link in Bukit Batok started operations, elderly folks of all races and religions have been gathering outside the premises, every Monday to Saturday morning, waiting to start their day right with a good workout.
Morning Music Therapy Exercise has never ceased since the day it started in 2003, and the number of participants keeps growing. Everyday, our volunteers take turns to lead the morning workout.
As more and more elderly folks gather together, it is a common sight to see lots of smiles and laughter throughout the outdoor area where the exercise is being held. Furthermore, when someone arrives, everyone will exchange auspicious greetings with the newcomer.
The entire exercise routine seems effortless to many passersby, but I can assure you that it’s no walk in the park for the weak. Music with a variety of rhythms is played throughout the entire workout, bringing one’s heartbeat up and down. A series of movements is taught, where one needs to coordinate both hands and legs movements all at the same time.
You will be surprised how lively our elderly folks can get when the music starts rolling. Punches, kicks, squats, these are some of the common movements repeated in the exercise. And surprisingly, no one seems to be out of breath anytime during the routine.
Accompanying the vigorous exercises, the workout consist of yet another less tedious side. Proper stretches, together with appropriate breathing, calms the mind and body of the elderly folks. Simple items such as wooden sticks and towels are also being used in the exercise routine to help increase blood circulation.
Seeing such captivating exercise, our wheelchair bound elderly friends also join in the fun. They can be seen trying with utmost effort to follow closely the movements of the workout. Occasionally, we can also see some heart warming sights, when other elderly folks assist their wheelchair bound friends with the trickier movements.
It’s a well known fact that those who work together hand-in-hand will bond together. Medical evidence confirms the health benefits of daily morning exercise. Not only does it keep one healthy, it makes one look younger as well.
So, if you want to improve your health, look good and enjoy the company of our friendly elderly folks, do join us!